
Comprehensive learning management system implementation and development services based in Edmonton, Canada.

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Learning Management Systems

Value Proposition

As companies grow, so do their internal and external training requirements. The Magnolias Consulting team has experience in implementing learning management systems that fits your specific business needs and due diligence requirements.

Learning Management System Development

We understand that as a business begins to scale, it becomes harder and harder to manage orientation, due diligence, and employee training. Growing your team alongside your business, brand, and clients becomes a major challenge. And yet, human resources are your greatest advantage during periods of growth.

The Magnolias Consulting team works to integrate learning management system (LMS) software applications for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses to your organization’s staff. We can also help keep this system up to date as your business systems grow and change.

Whether you need video creation and management, creative content, or a combination of learning styles and techniques, we’ll create a well-rounded strategy that brings together all the components of your business. We’ve created systems for orientation, training, safety procedures, business policies, employee development, skill-building, productivity, and many other related topics.

We are uniquely positioned to provide an end-to-end service for the development and management of learning management systems. Our full-service team of developers, videographers, photographers, and writers will coordinate and integrate your internal training manuals and videos into the system.

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